In a recent online article entitled "What I Noticed After Doing The Five Tibetan Rites for 30 Days Straight" from ... aight.html we find the following:
I decided to do them for 30 days straight to see if they’d deliver on all the benefits Kelder claimed they would. While I haven’t seen a reduction in wrinkles yet, I have noticed enough positive improvements to convince me to keep going.
Weight Loss-
I’ve always been pretty fit and sporty, so in the past my abs were always visible. Maybe not washboard ripped, but you could definitely see them. As I’ve gotten older (I’m 49) I’ve become a little lazy about getting to gym. (Okay fine, I’ve also been eating too many Oreos.)
After a month of doing the Tibetans I’m happy to say my abs are back. Even my obliques are more defined than they’ve been in a really long time. Yay me. If it weren’t for my after dinner snacking habit I’d probably be even more defined in the midriff.
Physical Strength and Flexibility-
When I first started doing them I noticed a slight pain in my right shoulder. It’s now completely gone and the muscles are more defined as well. I’d also been experiencing mild to moderate discomfort in my lower back for a couple of months and that too has cleared up.
Overall, I’m feeling much stronger and more in control of my body. I’m no bendy yogi that’s for sure, but I’m definitely a lot more supple than I was a month ago.
Enhanced Sense of Wellbeing-
Lately I’ve been fastidious about doing my morning fundamentals: meditation, visualization, journaling, the Five Tibetan Rites and finally, exercise (running, stretching, weight training, etc.). For me, this is a winning combination and one that can only result in an enhanced sense of wellbeing.
However, given that the Tibetan Rites are a fairly recent addition, I think it’s safe to say they’ve played a fairly significant part in how I’m feeling. For one thing, I’m definitely more awake in the mornings.
Before, I’d always hit the snooze button at least once, sometimes twice. Nowadays, when the alarm goes off I get up immediately. Oftentimes I’ll even wake just before the alarm. I always feel completely rested, too.
Improved Memory-
I can’t say I’ve noticed any obvious improvements in this area, but then it’s not as if I’ve been playing memory games or anything, either. That said, I don’t grapple for the right word like I used to, so I guess one could say my recall has gotten better.
Slow Down the Aging Process-
I may not be wrinkle-free quite yet, but I’m feeling stronger, healthier and more supple than I have in a while. I also haven’t been ill in quite a while (not even a sniffle), which is telling. I wasn’t what you’d call sickly, not by any stretch, but I’d get my share of colds and suffer the odd bout of flu now and then.
My verdict? The Five Tibetan Rites are definitely worth doing. Best of all, they only take 15 minutes out of your day. Age may well be a state of mind, but if you can give yourself a leg up, why wouldn’t you?
The above is only part of the entire article.
Because od her reference to chakras in other parts of the article I deduce she may be training from a "jogaized" version of the Rites and not the originals- but still with great results!
The thing about the rites is that you really CAN'T do them wrong, so you will see results no matter what. BUT, ypu can always do them BETTER with ever MORE results!
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